To help you fill out your ballot, we reviewed the 10 California ballot propositions on the November ballot. Questions such as what do they mean, why are they on the ballot, fiscal impacts, and who supports and opposes them were discussed. Find the slides for the presentation here.
Learn more about the candidates running for the two positions on the Livermore School Board Forum, which occurred on September 19th at the Livermore Valley Joint Unified District Office. Five of the six candidates who are running for the two positions participated in the forum. The event was hosted and moderated by the Livermore Vine and co-hosted by Livermore Indivisible.
Project 2025 is a policy "wish list" for the Trump presidency that would vastly expand presidential powers and impose an ultra-conservative social vision on the US. We had two excellent speakers - Mariko Hirose, Americans for Separation of Church and State, and Leah Greenberg, Indivisible Project - telling us about this dangerous agenda and how to talk to others about the agenda's consequences. For even more information on Project 2025, check out these resources.
Adam Gray is the Democratic Party's candidate for California's 13th Congressional District. He lost the 2022 race for the 13th Congressional District by just 564 votes! Adam visited us via Zoom to discuss his priorities if he is elected to serve in Washington, D.C. CA 13 district is in the Central Valley around Merced. The session includes a Q&A at the end. Check out Adam's campaign site and consider donating and volunteering.
Janie Dobbs, from the Livermore Valley Chapter of Moms Demand Action, talked about the group's efforts to demand common sense gun legislation. Please refer to Janie's slides for excellent statistics and information about gun violence and the 10 things you can do to support gun violence prevention. Andy Wong spoke on his efforts to clean up the Bay Area. His slides can be found here.
Following the movie, God and Country, we had a panel discussion about the movie and White Christian Nationalism. The panel consisted of Dr. Bradley Onishi, a scholar on Christian Nationalism and Adjunct Professor at the University of San Francisco, Reverend Kathy La-Point Collup, Lead Pastor at Asbury United Methodist Church in Livermore, and Jordan Syler, Assistant Minister at Asbury. For more information and resources on Christian Nationalism, please see this page.
The Assemblymember discussed her legislative priorities for 2024. Following that, Livermore Indivisible shared the group's priorities and those of the California Indivisible StateStrong Coalition (of which Livermore Indivisible is a member).
Our March meeting covered two topics - Ending Child Marriage in CA and an update from Andrea Miller, the founding member of Reclaim Our Vote. Andrea spoke on the effectiveness of postcards and ROV's strategy for the 2024 election.
For more information on child marriage in CA see the Los Angeles Times and Cal Matters articles and a report from ChildUSA , a sponsor of Senator Wahab's 2022 bill. AB2924, a bill sponsored by Assemblymember Cottie Petrie-Norris from Orange County, would end child marriage in CA.
On January 21, Livermore Indivisible hosted an online State Senate District 5 Candidates forum with all three candidates– Jerry McNearny (D), Jim Shoemaker (R), and Carlos Villapudua(D) – who are vying for the position.
In case you missed the forum, watch it to learn more about the candidates.
On January 21, Livermore Indivisible hosted an online State Senate District 5 Candidates forum with all three candidates– Jerry McNearny (D), Jim Shoemaker (R), and Carlos Villapudua(D) – who are vying for the position.
In case you missed the forum, watch it to learn more about the candidates.
The October meeting focused on 2023 CA legislation. CA Senator Aisha Wahab shared her experiences as a legislator and discussed the bills she authored. The second speaker, Indivisible's Senior Regional Organizer Dennessa Atiles, shared the results of CA State Strong CASS. CASS is a statewide coalition of over 50 Indivisible groups to further progressive agenda in California.
The September meeting focused on the Criminal Justice issues of Sheriff Oversight and Police Demilitarization. The Reverend Derron Jenkins and Anne Janks discussed Sheriff Oversight AB1185, which passed in 2020, and their work in getting an oversight committee established in Alameda County. John Lindsay-Poland provided an overview of AB481, which passed in 202, and was intended to increase transparency, accountability, and oversight for the acquisition of military equipment by local, county, and state law enforcement agencies.
Learn about the history and the importance of the Equal Rights Amendment, the vital role of Black women in the ERA movement, and how we can best advocate for the amendment and equal rights from two esteemed speakers - Julie Suk, author and Professor of Law at Fordham University, and Andrea Miller, the founder of the Center for Common Ground.
Brittni Kiick (our own Livermore Vice Mayor and Livermore Pride's Community Engagement and Education lead) spoke about Pronouns 101. Ava Lashay followed Brittni to tell us about the drag show business (Ava is a producer, director and performer).
Our first guest speaker, Cheryl Cook-Kallio, talked about the legislative process in California and how we can influence state legislation. Then we heard from Dennessa Atiles, Indivisible's Senior Regional Organizer - West Coast, who talked about the work of Indivisible California StateStrong (CASS), a coalition of California Indivisible groups whose members participate in state legislative advocacy. Finally, we heard about 5 bills we picked out of 24 CASS priority bills this year (summaries are below). We also learned how we can get involved in CASS and be part of the advocacy Work Groups.
In our February meeting, CA State Senator Susan Eggman introduced us to CA State Senate District 5, which as a result of redistricting will represent Livermore in 2025.
The January 2023 meeting featured Indivisible Northern California Regional Organizer Dennessa Atiles who provided an overview of the Indivisible Guide.
The November 2022 meeting provided an overview of Medicare Open Enrollment and the preliminary 2022 Election Results
The October 2022 General Meeting,presented an overview of the 2022 CA Propositions and County and City measures.
The September meeting featured Zone 7 Water Agency Board president Sarah Palmer and Board member Laurene Green talking about the Tri-Valley water supply and quality control..
On September 26, 2022 Livermore Indivisible co-hosted a forum for the Livermore School District Board of Education candidates.
For our April 2022 General Meeting, we held a forum for candidates for Alameda County Superintendent of Schools and Board of Education District 7 Trustee.
For our January 2022 General Meeting, we held a forum for the candidates for Sheriff of Alameda County.
Our November 2021 General Meeting,hosted a forum for the 3 candidates (at that time) for District Attorney of Alameda County.
Mr Seward entered the race after our November Alameda County District Attorney forum. This session contains Mr. Steward 's answers to the questions asked of the other 3 candidates in the November forum.